Dead Presidents Podcast

29 Warren G. Harding

Dead Presidents Podcast Season 3 Episode 29

From publisher of the Marion Star newspaper to U.S. Senator from Ohio, Warren G. Harding's meteoric rise culminated in 1920 when he became the compromise candidate of a deadlocked Republican convention and trounced his Democratic opponent with a campaign promising a "Return to Normalcy." He inherited a terrible economy, high taxes, exploding debt, and a nation still wracked with tension from the First World War and subsequent Red Scare. When Harding's health gave out and he died after just two-and-a-half years in office, he left behind a humming economy and had turned a new page from the war years. But in the wake of his death, a parade of emerging corruption scandals involving some of his closest friends forever tarnished his legacy--not to mention the tell-all book published by a young woman who claimed he was the father of her child!

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